Heal Autism

Hiding can't heal Autism, but Ayurveda can.

Understanding Autism:

Autism is an intellectual disability (ID) or general learning disability. It is generalized disorder appearing before adulthood, characterized by significantly impaired cognitive functioning and deficits in two or more adaptive behaviors. Intellectual disability is also known as Mental Retardation (MR).
A person with an unusually low IQ may not be considered intellectually disabled. Intellectual disability is divided into two types.

  1. Syndromic intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits associated with other medical and behavioral signs and symptoms are present e.g. Down syndrome.
  2. Non-syndrome intellectual disability, in which intellectual deficits appear without other abnormalities.

Ayurvedic perspective for Autism:

Ayurveda believes that there are three parts of memory.

  • Dhee: Short term memory that is grasping power. The person with a greater dhee can learn things quickly.
  • Dhriti: Long term memory that is retention power. A person with a greater dhriti can retain the learnt things for a longer time.
  • Samriti: To recall the learnt things when required.

It is the proper coordination of these three that is required for proper intellectual capabilities. If there is a problem in any one of these at the birth itself, the child will have some or the other intellectual incapability, and if it's later in life, then one or more of these aspects of memory get disturbed and the incapability can develop at later stages of life.
Ayurveda treats autism by considering its etiology, site of affliction, nature, & imbalanced Doshas. Ayurveda understands that natural modalities such as diet for autism, exercises for autism, Yoga for autism, Pranayama for autism, lifestyle management for autism along with natural supplements for autism can effectively tackle this condition by maintaining an optimal healthy mental state.
Autism hinders the sensory processing capabilities in children (particularly in eating). Ayurveda recommends a unique diet plan for autism which adequately nourishes the patient's brain & at the same time improves the impaired digestion.

Ayurveda care for Autism:

Ayurveda defines various herbs and Panchkarma therapies that can help in Autism. The herbs include Brahmi, Shankpushpi, Kushmand (Petha), Vacha, Chorak and Sarpagandha. The different Panchkarma therapies such as Shirodhara, Marma massage and Nasya are helpful to Autism patients along with medications.