ND Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral


Spiritual Wing


Emboldened & buoyed up by our Vision '' to serve mankind by creating a healthy, disease - free & happy society, and thus helping people to live a long, healthy and balanced life", and motived by our Mission " to work strenuously and sincerely for the over-all health and wellness of the patients suffering from chronic ailments, and mentored by Dr. Navdeep Sharma, a providentially inspired, globally renowned Ayurveda specialist, ND Care Nirogam, Pvt. Ltd has started a ' SPIRITUAL WING' wherein, we are going to share our views concerning not only with the BODY, but also the MIND and SOUL of the patients, as we strongly believe that there is definitely a deep connection of the mind and the spirit to the human body.

Sh. O.P Sharma, the esteemed father of Dr. Navdeep Sharma is a learned scholar and a motivational speaker, whose spiritual discourses have already cured many a patient suffering from chronic ailmentsm will be the Chief Convenor of this of this wing.

Prof.N.K Oberoi, blessed with divine grace and ripened in the furnace of life's experiences, both sweet and bitter, and armed with a teaching experience (English Literature) of 5 decades will co-ordinate with Sh.O.P. Sharma and look after this 'Spiritual Wing'.For the auspicious beginning of this 'Wing' we are going to present an article "Sub Conscious Mind and Health" by Sh.O.P. Sharma, and a poem. "The Power of Faith" by Prof.N.K. Oberoi

Sub Conscious Mind and Health

There are two types of mind:

1 Conscious mind

2. Sub-conscious mind

Conscious Mind is one which is fully conscious and accepts every thought with logic. It consists of one-tenth (1/10) of the total mind and governs the day-to-day activities of life, being fully vigilant. Being sluggish or non vigilant can lead to any mis-happening .

Sub conscious mind controls all those activities which require 24 hour vigilance. It Can't argue. It works on the right or wrong way equally.

Health, both physical and mental.

Now co-relating health with sub conscious mind seems somewhat out of the way. But, it will be very early to make any conclusion or jump to any result.

But, if unfortunately we are confronted with any sort of health or mind problem, that may be of serious type or normal problem, we will be guided by our near and dear ones or by our conscious mind to go to consult a doctor for treatment.

A normal human being will start taking medicine for better health. But if he is not sound by mind, he may start thinking that the doctor is of a very young age. He may be competent or not. I have taken medicine from different doctors, but without any positive result. He may also think that the doctor has opened a clinic for minting money. I think there will not be any benefit to me. Anyhow, if others are insisting to have medication, I may try for a few days. It has become my compulsion. Oh!

After taking medicine, a huge amount of negative thoughts get accumulated on his brain. Every impulse and action now starts sending negative signals to the sub conscious mind.

Now we are well aware of the nature and qualities of sub conscious mind. It's main drawback is that it lacks reasoning power and may not differentiate between the right and wrong .If the right order is given, it will move 24 hours to the right direction. If guided towards the wrong direction,it will move the wrong way.

If after taking medication, it comes in the mind of the patient . "By His(God's) grace, the doctor is quite young . I have met the right doctor. Now my recovery is must. There was a great rush, which means many patients are recovering .The staff behavior shows that they are dedicated towards their duty. No doubt the medicine's are a bit costly , but it hardly matters, when health is my priority .May the doctor and his team live long! . I will take medicine as per guidelines for the specific period. Now I am fully confident of my recovery .Now my mind is free from negative thoughts. It can do miracle in my ailing body".

As per the qualities of the sub conscious mind which is very powerful, it can do anything .But in the world, if anything has wonderous qualities, it will also have drawbacks . Sub conscious mind has the drawback, for it knows no logic. It will work on the positive and negative command in the same way.They may prove harmful and beneficial, it does not matter.

For making the most of the sub-conscious mind, we can do the following exercise .Best time for its working is five minutes before going to sleep.

Beginner's exercise is as under:

While going to sleep, repeat as under:

1 "My body is relaxed" and see and feel what we are saying (3 minutes)

2 "My breath is relaxed", see and feel it is happening (3 minutes)

3 "My mind is relaxed, free from present or previous thoughts" See and feel it without any thought(3 minutes).

4 "I have come in contact with such a doctor that I am o.k." Now I have positive ideas in my mind.

This Exercises is recommended at least for 21 days. Having positive results, continue the same. Doing exercise in the early morning can bring early and fruitful result.

We should remember that our sub conscious mind can do wonders. But this does not mean we are not to take medicine. We are to take medicines in order to fulfil our previous karmas with the medicine manufacturer, suppliers, doctors and many others. Then work will be done by both the ways, result will be ok.it also brings into our notice that I am taking medicine, I will be ok now.

Best of luck

O P Sharma


It is strongly believed that FAITH can move the mountains. Faith in God or in some Divine Power can strengthen our mind and will power to combat and over come any ailment, physical and mental, Some times, DUA (Prayer) can work when DAVA ( Medication) fails. Such is the Power of Faith.


Life itself is a spiritual phenomenon In Ayurveda, perfect health is defined as perfect & harmonius balance between body, mind, spirit & social well being

We simply cannot afford to ignore the body's role in our day-to-day spiritual activities. Care of body is fundamental to the spiritual quest. After all if one doesn't properly take care of the body, the soul's vehicle, performing even basic spiritual practices becomes increasingly difficult. Having a sound body & mind is certainly not only an asset, but also pre-requisite for the spiritual pursuit.

"When we treat a disease, first treat the MIND"

Chen Jen

According to ancient sages & seers, Mind is a repository of all the knowledge, of all the thoughts related to past, present, and future. Due to the constant flow of the thoughts that may be positive or negative, the Mind never stays calm peaceful and contented Mind's physical identity and location cannot be assertained where it started it's journey from Trikuti, the resting place of the Mind. It was assigned the duty of performing function of the soul. Mind is the most powerful thing. It is the king of Trikuti .


Great souls in the world believed that the Mind was instructed to assist the soul in the worldly affairs as a servant. Before coming to earth, it was taking powers from the soul. but when it touches the ground, it enjoys the company of and indulged in the five deadly sins----KAAM (desires), KRODH (Anger), LOBH (Avarice), MOH (Attachment). This leads to psychic contamination, the ugliness of the mind which you inflict upon yourself by negative thoughts and sinful deeds.

As per the nature of the Mind is that, the negative deeds are done more as compared to the positive ones. So due to this and the adverse effects of karma, an Individual has to take birth and rebirth in order to nullify the effect of karma. This circle never ends and one just cannot come out of this vicious circle of birth, death and rebirth.

The cells in your body react to everything that your MIND says.
Negativity brings down your immune system

It is almost clear that one has to face the effect of good or bad karmas of any birth in the present life, and one should face it without any grudge and grumbling, rather cheerfully for better results so that the burden of our previous life karmas can be lightened in the shortest possible time.

"tera bhana meetha laage", says Gurbani ( The Holy Granth Sahib)

one should submit oneself before the Sweet will of God, this can give us the real peace of mind and one can be disease and tension free.


The real purpose of life is the service of the suffering humanity, which is the real worship . This can liberate us from the debt of our bad karmas. As per the guidelines of great men and saints, their effect can be nullified by rendering Sewa (Service). this can be classified as Sewa with body, Sewa with mind and Sewa with money.

"If you have much, give of your wealth;
if you have little, give of you heart"

Arabic Proverb

In our prayer, there are lines

"Tan, man, dhan, sab kuch hai tera (jorna)
tera tujh ko arpan, kya laage mera."

Which contain the crux of total submission to the Will of God, and Service.

Rendering physical service to any one in distress, e.g helping a blind man cross the road, or offering a bouquet of flowers to patients in a hospital., is no less than worship.

By the Sewa with the body (physical service) one's body can become disease-free. By the Sewa with mind, one can purify oneself from the ugliness of the mind. By the Sewa with money, i.e. charity, one can not only restrain one's lust for money, but also invite God's blessings which make one happy.

In fact through service(with body, mind and money) we can not only liberate us from the vicious circle of our past karmas but also the first step towards a joyful life in the present and thus paves the way for our happy future.

The Need and the Role of a SADGURU

And in this entire journey, and in all our efforts to seek liberation from the vicious circle, and purification of Mind, we need the help and guidance of a perfect Master, a SADGURU in order to gain clarity and bring us out of the confusion created by different thoughts and desires.

The Body Heals with play

The MIND heals with laughter

The SPIRIT heals with Joy.

A True Guru should be Ananye (one who is not different from that which he teaches or preaches Nowdays, we have learned men, professors who are supposed to be repositories of knowledge. But their knowledge is different from what they preach. They do not walk the talk, Knowledge becomes meaningful when it is lived, not merely thought, heard or read about. A True Guru is one in whom knowledge has become a part of his being & life, and practice, and one who is also blessed with the power of expression or the gift of the gab. Mere study of books cannot help us obtain the knowledge. It requires the grace of a Perfect Master, a True Guru who possesses phenomenal energy and radiance. . In fact, a True Guru makes gold out of garbage.


Growth of Mind

Growth is not An all-of-a sudden thing;
It takes time.
Proper watering & nourishing
Pruning and patience
Are required
For the plant of the Mind
To grow and flower.

The Soil itself Has to be good & pure;
The Sun of good & noble ideas
Must nourish it;
The tears shed
With pity & compassion
Must water it.
The Manure of piety
Must nurture it,
Lest it should wither
Due to the rocks
Of hatred & prejudice,
And be choked
By the thorns & thistles
Of jealousy & malice.

And look, how
The Plant of the Mind
Grows & Flowers!

Prof. N.K Oberoi


Life itself is a spiritual phenomenon Spirituality is the path to virtue. It navigates us on an inner pilgrimage to connect with our core which is essentially pure, divine & blissful.

Spirituality is the ability to develop inner awareness, the awareness of our true identity i.e the enlightenment of our minds which brings us out of the darkness of ignorance. In short, it is a journey from ignorance to light.

A Spiritual person can be defined as a SOUL which is part of universal domain of consciousness which, in turn, is a part of collective consciousness, called GOD.

Spirituality is not about religion, neither it is about gods or any rituals. Spirituality is a principled way of Life. It's an attitude.

Unlike religion, Spiritual is not built on rules, but individual choice & growth No validation/stamp of any institution, and is not limited to any doctrines, does not intimidate or condemn any wrongdoers. In fact, it gives you a sense of freedom, which an organized religion can't. Spirituality gives meaning to life, and answers all the questions like

Who am I? From where have I come? What is the purpose of life on this planet?

It is Higher awareness of our Spiritual being that helps us in dealing with our physical suffering. It provides us with the sight of knowing beyond our 5 senses. It takes the mind beyond sensory perceptions into perceiving the unknown intuitively and creatively.

There are a dozen attributes embedded in the very word " SPIRITUALITY".To make it more clear, we are to go through each letter of spirituality.

Let's first of all take the first letter 'S'. It stands for Service i.e SEWA - which is of different types such as Tan (Body), Mann(Mind) and Dhan(Money) and Surat, Shabd Sewa. By the Sewa of Body i.e physical service, our body remains disease-free. Sewa with our Mind keeps our mind pure, and Sewa with money decreases our love and lust for money. Service of humanity with Tan,Mann & Dhan is the best service. All of us experience pain and sufferings. Without selfless service (Paro-upkar), Worship (Bhakti and Puja) remains incomplete.

Surat, Shabad Sewa practiced under the guidance of the Master (Guru) helps us to be free from the clutches of KAAL and enables us to achieve the real purpose, the real objective for which we have been sent to this planet.

"S" also signifies simplicity. A spiritual person is very simple and unassuming. His very appearance exudes inner peace.

'P' signifies two aspects, the first is the Passage of life which is transient in nature. No one is immortal. We are not to pass through this way once again. So we should make the most of our brief journey on the passage of life.

'P' also stands for Perseverance. Spirituality enables a person to persevere and not to get impatient when he /she fails to get immediate results. Perseverance, in fact , is the hinge of all the virtues.

'I' Now moving on to the three I's in the word 'SPIRITUALITY', these represent different values

  • Integrity of Character
  • Inner voice, and
  • Inspiring others

A person endowed with the gift of spirituality is bound to be a person with the integrity of character. He/she can't play foul with any one. He is fair and square in his dealings.
He always listens to his inner voice, the voice of his conscience before doing any action.

He always listens to his inner voice, the voice of his conscience before doing any action.

A Spiritual person is not self-centred. He wants to inspire others with the ideas and beliefs he has learnt and acquired. Selfish desires are gone and he wants to contribute to making the world a better place. Compassion propels him forward. He feels concerned for the suffering mankind.

'R' stands for RIGHTEOUSNESS, and the REMEDY for all the ills of Body, Mind and Soul.

'T' signifies the ultimate TRUTH and a state of TRANQUILITY, peace and calmness. A spiritual person is truthful and peaceful. His very physical appearance radiates inner peace and tranquility.

'U' stands for UNIVERSALITY, i.e oneness of mankind. A truly Spiritual person is not parochial, but cosmopolitan in his outlook. Rising above the distinctions of caste, creed and colour, he embraces the entire humanity. The world for him is one family. He believes in the doctrine of 'Vasudevah Kutumbakam'.

'A' stands for ACCEPTANCE. A spiritual person accepts others unconditionally. He never complains and grumbles. He accepts the pains of life stoically and takes them as the sweet will of GOD.

'L' signifies LOVE, love for all. A spiritual person does not harbor any hatred, ill will or malice for anyone in his heart. His love, in fact, encompasses the whole mankind.

'T', the second last letter 'T' in spirituality stands for TRUST, trust in some higher Power, Destiny or Karma. This unwavering trust enables a spiritual person to stay calm in adversity.

'Y' the last letter signifies YOUTHFULNESS . A truly spiritual person is full of vigour and vitality. He never gets old.

A spiritual person is a very balanced person. He is in harmony with both spiritual and human values, with the higher world and the world of human affairs. Rooted in the earth, a spiritual person is like a tree that has branches extending into Higher Worlds. Like a tree, his roots penetrate into all fields of human endeavor, nourishes himself with the rays of the sun and even with those of the stars and thus produces his fruits. In short, he is a being grounded both 'above &below'.

Spirituality is a natural tendency of the human soul to aspire for perfection, something higher. It is the blooming of the seed of the human spirit. Only a spiritual person brings vision and direction to humanity. The world would have ended in chaos, had there been no spiritual individuals.

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