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Healthy benefits of Dates


1. Improves Digestion: - Dates contain a bunch of soluble fibers which are essential for good digestive health because it draws water into digestive tract. It also helps to clean our gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work comfortably thereby helps in relieving the symptoms of constipation and reducing the risk of colitis, colon cancer and hemorrhoids. They are helpful in balancing of digestive tract that is symbolized by its brown color (Brown foods are always great for digestion) and also strengthens good bacteria in the stomach. Dates are often categorized as a laxative food. Therefore, these should be eaten by soaking in the water daily for obtaining syrup like consistency for optimal results.

2. Treat and prevent Anemia: - Anemia is a common issue amongst most people. Dates are an excellent source of iron, so they help to treat anemia and is recommended for those who suffer from iron deficiency. It is also great for blood purification as well.

3. Energy Booster: - Dates are filled with natural sugars including fructose, sucrose and glucose. This makes them a perfect afternoon snack if one needs a quick energy boost. Dates contain vitamins such as A, B1, B2, B3, B5 and C which keeps you healthy and after using them, there will be a noticeable changes in your energy.

4. Heart health: - In addition to promoting colon health, fiber is also known to boost heart health because dates are free from cholesterol and contains very little fat. Including them in smaller quantities in your daily diet can help you keep a check on cholesterol level. Potassium found in dates help to reduce stroke risk and adding dates to one’s diet can lower LDL cholesterol and helps to treat other heart related diseases. It also contains Magnesium which helps to reduce blood pressure and maintains heart health.

5. Improves Skin Health:-Vitamin C and D works on your skin elasticity and also keeps your skin smooth. If you suffer from skin problems, incorporating dates into your diet might help you in the long run. It is also loaded with anti-aging benefits and prevents the accumulation of melanin in your body.

6. Bone Health and Strength:-Dates contain magnesium, manganese and selenium. Diet rich in selenium is known to prevent cancer. These minerals are also necessary for keeping our bones strong and healthy. It is a rich source of proteins that helps us in staying fit and keeping our muscles strong and preventing conditions such as osteoporosis.

7. Strengthens the nervous system: - Dates are loaded with potassium and yet contain little sodium and goes a long way in keeping your nervous system in order. It contains Vitamin B6 that is associated with improved brain performance and better mental retention.

8. Sexual Weakness:- Dates are even beneficial for increasing sexual stamina. Soak dates in fresh goat milk over night, and then grind them in the same milk with mixture of cardamom powder and honey. This mixture becomes a very useful tonic increasing sexual endurance and reducing sterility caused by various sexual disorders. It contains high levels of estradiol and flavonoids that are helpful in increasing sperm count, its motility as well as promoting increased testes size. It is a great natural aphrodisiac.

9. Anti-inflammatory:- Dates are rich in magnesium, a mineral known for its anti inflammatory benefits. Inflammatory indicators in the body such as CRP(C-reactive protein), TNF (Tumor necrosis factor alpha) reduces when magnesium intake increases. Magnesium present in dates can effectively reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases, arthritis, Alzheimer’s disease and other health related ailments.

10. Assists in weight gain:-The sugar, proteins and other vitamins present in the dates helps in weight gain. Especially when eaten with cucumber, dates help to keep your weight at a normal level.

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