Natural treatment of AZOOSPERMIA

Azoospermia is a medical condition during which the semen of a male contains no sperm. The medical science of Ayurveda has described Azoospermia as a disturbance in reproductive tissues (Shukra Dhatu) and known by different names as Nirbeeja, Bijopghataja, Shandtva etc. It is believed that the body is be made up of seven tissues (Dhatus) - plasma (Rasa), blood (Rakta), muscles (Mamsa), fat (Meda), bone (Asthi), bone marrow (Majja), and reproductive tissues (Shukra). This medical condition occurs due to improper nutrition, abnormal metabolism (Anuloma Kshaya), or excessive masturbation/intercourse (Pratiloma Kshaya).

Natural remedies for azoospermia

Natural therapy of Ayurveda focuses on proper diet, lifestyle, Asana and Pranayama along with some powerful herbs to get rid of such type of problems. Ayurveda has a separate branch as the science of aphrodisiacs (Vajikarana Rasayana Chikitsa) to win over azoospermia. Various Ayurvedic herbs are very helpful in improving the sperm quantity and quality naturally by removing underlying root causes.

"Improves the sperm quantity & quality naturally"

  • Herbal reproductive tonic.
  • Promotes healthy libido.
  • Supports a healthy reproductive system.

Ayurvedic airthritis Treatment

Additionally, the below mentioned Yoga Asanas can efficiently increase the action of such herbs: -

Horse Gesture (Ashwani Mudra)

  • Increases blood flow to pelvic organs removing toxins and thereby relieving stress.
  • Pumps Prana (lifeforce) towards internal organs and makes them healthy.
  • Strengthens the reproductive system and imparts vigor.

Stimulating the digestive fire (Agnisar Kriya)

  • It strengthens internal organs and muscles. It also circulates inner energy to give vitality.
  • It cleanses the body & mind and enhances the health of reproductive organs.
  • Ayurvedic Wellness Products are sustainably harvested from Nature itself.
  • So far, there have been NO Documented Side-Effects.
  • So what are you waiting for?
  • Let Nature take care of your healthy reproductive system
  • And we are available 24×7.
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