Deaddiction Treatment-Ayurvedic Deaddiction Therapy|ND Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral

Ayurvedic Treatment of Deaddiction

Substance Abuse is known as Madatyaya in Ayurveda. Dependence on and intoxicating substance occurs due to continuous use of high dose of intoxicating substances. The Ayurvedic therapy for Substance Abuse is based on the principle that Madya (intoxicating substance) diminishes the Oja (Life Sap: the source of energy) which is the primary requisite for physical, mental, & spiritual health and wellness. Click to Read More....

It has also been mentioned that these conditions occurs due to Tridoshj imbalances with a dominance of Kapha Dosha. At ND Care Pvt Ltd, personalized deaddiction treatment & counselling with Ayurveda is performed under the guidance of globally renowned Ayurveda expert, Dr. Navdeep Sharma (BAMS-MD) who also has a Ph.D. on the topic "ROLE OF AYURVEDIC HERBS IN PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDERS". Dr. Navdeep Sharma, who has been a part of various international events on Ayurveda in Dubai, UK and USA, represented Ayurveda at the British Parliament where he proposed to uptake Ayurveda as the main stream treatment system in UK. Read Less....

Natural treatment of deaddiction

Anshaansh Kalpana: In this Ayurvedic method (Nasha Mukti), the quantification of Tridoshas imbalance is carried out in order to determine which imbalanced Dosha is prevailing in the patient. Accordingly, the Ayurvedic treatmenttargets the major responsible Dosha involved in dependency on intoxicating substances. Click to Read More....

Asatmaya to Satmaya: - In this step, a unit of the intoxicating substance is replaced by an Ayurvedic natural supplements. Gradually, this ratio of the intoxicating substance vs. Ayurvedic dietary supplement for deaddiction is reversed and after some time, the patient feels no need of taking intoxicating substance. As the Ayurvedic supplements have ZERO SIDE EFFECTS and NO WITHDRAWAL symptoms, the patients can slowly stop taking the supplements as well.
Satmaya to Asatmaya: It is highly probable that if the patient starts the consumption of intoxicating substances again, he/she may develop other related complications. In such cases, the above Ayurvedic rehabilitation can be restarted without delay.
Ayurvedic deaddiction Treatment
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Nirogamz Braino- A "Supports all aspects of mental performance"

  • Provides powerful neurological support
  • Promotes intelligence & escalates learning capabilities
  • Removes toxins that can block mental abilities
  • Treats memory loss, memory fatigue, anxiety & depression

The natural Medhya Rasayana, works by stimulating the vagus nerve to provide substantial relief from cravings. Such natural ingredients balance the Raja and Tama Doshas of Manasa (Mind). Additionally, Medhyas also enhance Dhi (intelligence), Dhriti (retention power), and Smriti (memory) naturally to overcome the psychological need for consumption of intoxicating substances. Click to Read More....

Our natural treatment helps the patients to have calmness, tranquillity, & healthy stimulation of brain activities. Further, our Sangyasthapak Varga of herbs increases the amount of Pitta (internal heat) and Vata in the body to a desirable extent so that the increased Kapha Dosha, which is the root cause of the Madataya gets optimized. Our anciently known and latest researched new Ayurvedic supplements have Ooshdaya (heat), Sooshmaya (minute), & Teekshana (Strong) properties for reaching the occluded Strotas (microchannels of the body) to increase the Chetna (alertness) of our body, mind & soul.
On the other hand, allopathic treatment generally involves chemicals which affect the natural function of the body such as digestion, while the root cause of substance abuse remains unattended. Read Less....

Ayurvedic deaddiction Treatment

How Intoxicating Substances effect the brain?

The abused intoxicating substances tap into the brain and affect the information processing at the level of neurotransmitters. Click to Read More....

Unfortunately, most intoxicating substances mimic the brain's natural chemical messengers & tend to replace them and thus gradually creating an unnatural dependency. In some specific cases, these intoxicating substances bind with cell receptors & switch on the transmission of abnormal messages through our brain. It is also evident that some categories of intoxicating substances stimulate the unhealthy hormone secretion (via reward circuit) and create an urge to consume more.
First Stage - Develpoment of Tolerance: In this situation, the need to consume more quantity of the intoxicating substances arises due to increased tolerance power in the abuser.
Second Stage Dependence on Intoxicating Substance In this stage, body adapts to a certain dosage of the intoxicating substances and the need arises to increase the adapted dosages of the intoxicating substances. In case, an individual suddenly stops taking intoxicating substances, the withdrawal symptoms begin to appear.
Third Stage - Necessity of Intoxicating Substances This condition creates in the patients an uncontrollable & overwhelming desire to use the intoxicating substance. Read Less....

Home Remedies / Pranayama / Yoga / Exercises

  • Nasal mode: Doing Nasya with Brahmi ghee will also reduce the toxicity.
  • Appetite stimulation: The patients can have ginger tea to stimulate their appetite.
  • Yoga : Yoga can be beneficial as it calms down the body and soul by regulating the stress hormones.
  • Pranayama : Alternate nostril breathing (Anulom & Vilom) is very beneficial.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Deaddiction: Deaddiction Treatment

Ayurvedic Deaddiction Therapy:

Ayurvedic deaddiction counseling: Deaddiction Therapy

Diet & Yoga for Deaddiction: deaddiction counseling

Natural Deaddiction Treatment | ND Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd.
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