Bronchial Asthma Treatment in Ayurveda: Asthma Treatment & Management
At ND Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd., we value healthy respiration of your loved ones
We recognize your suffering and provide best Ayurvedic treatment for asthma.
We believe that Ayurveda is the most powerful way to bring maximum recovery.
Dr. Navdeep Sharma
A Globally-Renowned Ayurvedic Healer
Bronchial asthma is described as Tamak Shwas in Ayurveda. It is a disease of Pranvaha Srotas (respiratory system). In asthma, the elasticity of alveoli of lungs is severely hampered due to environmental factors (pollution) or other underlying reasons. The reverse flow of vitiated Vata causes tightness over the head-neck region and vitiates the Kapha Dosha which develops cold (rhinitis).
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The resulted aggravation of Kapha Dosha and Vata Dosha results in obstructive airway passages (Pranavaha Srotas Avrodh). Such obstructions often lead to a wheezing sound with a difficulty in breathing. Ayurvedic treatment of bronchial asthma aims at balancing the vitiated bodily humors (Doshas), clearing the obstructed airways and removing the excess of mucus (Kapha) to achieve normal inhalation and exhalation. Natural treatment of bronchial asthma also prevents unnatural thirst, running nose, loss of taste, and loss of appetite.

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Asthma attack treatment: Asthma treatment in Ayurveda
The ancient Ayurvedic texts have well documented respiratory disorders viz. Kasa (Cough), Shwasa (Breathing difficulties), Peenasa (Sinusitis), Pratishyaya (Rhinitis), and many more. The main aim of natural treatment of asthma is to improve the elasticity of alveoli which further reduces severity and frequency of asthma attack. The Ayurvedic treatment of asthma also increases the threshold of various allergens. Treatment of asthma aims at balancing the aggravated Vata and Kapha Doshas.
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Asthma natural treatment includes the following: -
Sanshodhan Chikitsa (Elimination of vitiated Doshas from the body) - Asthma quick relief is achieved by redirecting Vata in its normal direction and by restoring normal breathing using Snehan (lubrication), Swedan (oleation therapy) followed by Vamana and Virechan to remove the mucus plugs present in Pranavah Srotas (airways). The above protocols vary during asthma treatment in babies, asthma treatment in children, asthma treatment during pregnancy, asthma treatment in adults, & asthma treatment in elderly as per Agnibala, Dehabala, Prakritibala (power) of the patients.
Shaman Chikitsa (Elimination of vitiated Doshas within the body) - Additionally, asthma action plan includes Nirharana (removing mucus from the lungs) & Vatanulomana (redirecting the Vata in its normal direction) with authentic herbs that balance the vitiated Doshas within the body. The treatment also insists on improving the digestive fire Agni (root cause), enhancing the Ojas, and elimination of Ama.
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"Acts as expectorant by naturally removing mucus from lungs"
Balances all Doshas (Constitution).
- Enhances the elasticity of alveoli.
- Increases the threshold of allergy.
"Supports natural function of immune system & promotes natural immunity"
Acts as anti-histamine and thus anti-inflammatory in case of bronchitis.
- Redirects Vata in its normal direction.
- Promotes the exclusion of natural toxins.
Ayurveda can potentially restore the natural health of respiratory entities. The natural wellness supports provide strength to the lungs which are a primary need in this condition. The wellness supports act as natural expectorant with potential anti-inflammatory components to resolve chest and upper respiratory tract problems. Click to Read More....
These herbs significantly boost the immune system. The natural ingredients stimulate the optimized blood flow towards the lungs. These natural formulas can open up bronchial tubes. Such natural remedies have a reputation for healing asthma & sinus infections. It is also a decongestant for cold which soothes sore throats and eliminates coughs. If used as per our guidelines, the patients can get rid of unhealthy mucus and phlegm. The wellness supports nourish the lungs and soothe the throat while, eliminating unwanted congestion. These products are well equipped with expectorants to soothe nasal passages, relax the respiratory muscles, and calm the release of histamines.
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Herbs for bronchial asthma treatment: Asthma natural treatment
Pippali (Piper longum) -
It has Katu (pungent) taste which is useful in allergy and asthma treatment. The Tikshan (piercing) property can reduce the Kapha Dosha from the head, neck, and lungs.
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Vasa (Adhatoda vasica) -
It has Tikta (bitter) and Katu (pungent) taste that potentially removes the sticky phlegm during treatment of asthma. It reduces the inflammation from a bronchial tree which further reduces the frequency of asthma attacks. Vasa significantly increases the peak expiratory flow rate, considerably decreases the absolute eosinophil count & finally increases the breath-holding time along with eliminating asthma lung sounds.
Bhaarangi (Clerodendron serratum) - It balances Vata and Kapha Doshas and acts as an anti-inflammatory agent due to anti-histamine property and treats asthma cough. It is very useful in allergy, asthma fatigue, and asthma treatment for toddlers.
Yashtimadhu (Glycyrrhiza glabra) - Its ingredients interfere with the production of IgE by decreasing the IgE stimulating cytokines inducing the adrenal cortex. Thus have a systemic anti-inflammatory effect on lungs during asthma bronchitis & asthma chest pain.

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Natural remedies for asthma - Asthma treatment at home with asthma remedies
- Drink a mixture of 1 tsp of honey, pepper, and a small quantity of onion juice.
- Drink a mixture of 1 tsp of turmeric powder and 1 glass of milk. It is very beneficial in dissolving and removing mucus from lungs naturally.
- External oleation with Til oil added with Saindhava Lavana (rock salt) particularly over the chest and back is very effective for asthma patients.
- Kapha Shamak property of garlic liquefies the unhealthy accumulation of Kapha.
- Put two drops of Eucalyptus oil in boiling water and inhale the steam slowly.
Diet for asthma
- Avoid brightly colored and carotenoid foods like carrot, sweet potato, green leafy vegetables, strawberries, berries etc.
- Include vitamin C & E rich foods (leafy vegetable, citrus fruits, cruciferous veggies, nuts seeds healthy oil) in the diet.
- Intake of Omega 3 rich foods, nuts, seeds, whole grain cereals, and pulses are good during bronchitis and asthma treatment.
- Avoid trans-fat, sugary foods, fried foods, processed foods, refined flour and refined oils.
Yoga Asana for asthma / Pranayama for asthma / Exercises for asthma
Bhujangasana (Cobra pose) /Sithu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose) / Purvottasana (Upward Plank Pose): -These poses expand the chest, increase blood circulation & improve oxygen in the body. They open chest and lungs. They improve the working of your respiratory system and keep a check on your hormone system.Click to Read More....
Nadi Shodhan Pranayama & Kapalbhati (Skull shining breathing technique):- These alternative nostril breathing techniques help in relieving the accumulated stress of the body and the mind. These breathing techniques help in gaseous exchange in lungs to exhale out the retained CO2. These Pranayamas can efficiently improve your exhalation (CO2 retention is the main cause of obstructive disease like asthma).
Diaphragmatic Breathing & Pursed lip Breathing: - They help to prevent breathing abnormalities. They increase air redistribution to the lungs, maximize oxygen, and relieve dyspnea. This technique prevents the trapping of air into lungs. They enhance distribution of air in all lobes of lungs and reduce the difficulty of breathing.
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Bronchial Asthma Treatment in Ayurveda: Asthma treatment and management
Asthma attack treatment: Asthma treatment in Ayurveda
Herbs for bronchial asthma treatment: Asthma natural treatment
Yoga Asana for asthma / Pranayama for asthma / exercises for asthma
Natural remedies for asthma - asthma treatment at home with asthma remedies
Diet for asthma: Asthma Lungs: Asthma Doctor