Ayurvedic Treatment for Kidney Failure utm_source=taboola&utm_medium=referral

    Our Concept For Kidney Treatment
  • Line of Treatment in Kidney Disorders/Impairment/Failure and Chronic/Acute Kidney Ailments

    We use REUC concept for the management of our renal failure:
    R-Renal tissue repair
    E-Electrolyte imbalance management
    U-Blood Urea level management
    S-Serum Creatinine level management.

    The first and foremost step of our concept is to repair the inflammed renal tissue to the desirable extent. When a patient of Renal Failure approaches us, his Blood Urea, S.Creatinine levels are generally elevated to dangerous levels. The patient approaches us to get these levels normalized. With the help of our herbs, these levels are gradually restored to their normal levels. Though our supplement control the elevated B.Urea and S.Creatinine levels, our key objective is to target and treat the underlying cause of kidney disorders; because as such creatinine and blood urea can be controlled temporarily with dialysis also.

    Therefore, our foremost aim is to repair the damaged nephrons to the desirable extent so that the kidney filters out toxin and maintain the B.Urea levels and S.Creatinine levels naturally.

    The Second step of the concept is to maintain the levels of electrolytes like Sodium, Potassium, etc. to the required levels in the blood of the kidney patient. The importance of maintaining the levels of these electrolytes is very important because even a slight imbalance of these can cause kidney impairment and endanger life of the patient.

    Unfortunately, most of the patients are unaware of these levels and they are only concerned about the the B.Urea and S.Creatinine levels, remaining oblivious of significance of electrolyte imbalance, which sometimes prove to be fatal in many kidney disorders. Understanding the importance of the electrolytes in the blood, we keep a regular check on their levels and our medication maintains their levels within normal range.

    Our third step is to maintain equilibrium of B.Urea levels in the body because if urea crosses a particular high in the body, various undesirable complications, ranging from mild ones like itching, loss of appetite, etc. to severe ones like fits and loss of consciousness can develop. Luckily, our medication acts the quickest towards restoring the Blood Urea levels and generally, the level starts decreasing right from the very first dosage of our supplement.

    Our Fourth step is to restore the S. Creatinine levels of our patient to its normal value. S.Creatinine is a marker which indicates the levels of toxins that are present in the body. Hence, once the levels of S.Creatinine of the patient starts decreasing and this is a clear indication that the amount of all sorts of toxins in the body is decreasing and excretory function of kidney is being restored slowly. Generally, the S.Creatinine levels of the patient starts to decrease from 7th day to 15th day of our medication.


    Our specialised formulations are combination of herbal decoction, nephron repairing herbal and mineral extracts. These are effective on extending blood vessels and combat inflammation and degrading extracellular matrix, thereby transporting enough nutrition to the damaged nephrons and prompt their self-repair. Besides, our herbs feed and strengthen the Immune System to fight chronic problems. These play a central role in supporting those cells involved in our immunological defences, thus reducing the relapse of the condition.

    Furthermore, Precious minerals like pearl in large quantities in our supplement act as catalyst by penetrating in cells quickly, thus, enhancing healing of tissues. Patients show signs of improvement from the first dosage itself.

    Our ayurvedic supplement aim to heal nephrons in the kidney to the desirable extent to avoid total kidney impairment and halt advancement of disease to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

    We aim to identify and eradicate the cause of Kidney Disorders rather than just suppressing the symptoms.

    Polycystic Kidney

    Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) is genetic disorder that causes numerous cysts to grow in the kidneys.A gene mutation, or defect, causes polycystic kidney disease. It causes fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys. It's a disease in which the size of the kidney goes on increasing due to the formation of multiple cysts in the kidneys. These Cysts go on displacing the nephrons and as a result the functional part of the kidneys go on decreasing. With the passage of time the patient develops Renal failure. PKD if left untreated, may impair kidney function and cause kidney failure. Our ayurvedic supplement aim to heal nephrons in the kidney to the desirable extent to avoid total kidney impairment and halt advancement of disease to avoid dialysis and kidney transplant.

    Ayurvedic Treatment

    Ayurveda believes that this condition is caused due to the vitiation of Pitta dosha in the body and various Pitta normalizing medications are used in the concept of the same. Ayurvedic concept is a traditional concept in India and works on the principle of targeting the cause and not symptoms, taking into consideration the prakriti and dosha equilibrium of the patient.

    When it comes to the concept of Lesion kidney disease, we work on two aspects:

    a) Prevention of formation of new cysts with the usage of our ayurvedic srotoshodhak medications.

    b) Repair of damaged nephrons, i.e. the damage that has already occurred to the functional units of kidney due to the pressure exerted by multiple lesion.

    Nephrotic Syndrome

    Nephrotic Syndrome is not a specific kidney disorder. It is not a disease itself but rather refers to a group of symptoms including Edema( around the eyes, feet and hands), Proteinuria (protein in urine), Hyperlipidaemia (high lipid levels),and Hypoalbuminemia ( is a medical condition where blood levels of albumin are abnormally low). It more commonly occurs in children than adults. It can have hereditary factors also.As the filtering units of the kidneys(nephrons) get inflammed and impaired in this disorder; this damage allows protein normally which is kept in the plasma to leak into the urine in large amounts (proteinuria at least 3.5 grams per day per 1.73m2 body surface area) , thus resulting in Nephrotic Syndrome. Since the protein in the blood helps keep fluid in the bloodstream, some of this fluid leaks out of the bloodstream into cells of the tissues in patient's body, causing swelling, called edema.

    It can occur with many diseases, so prevention relies on controlling the diseases that cause it. Concept of the nephrotic syndrome focuses on identifying and treating the underlying cause, if possible, and reducing high cholesterol, blood pressure, and protein in the urine through diet, medication, or both. The nephrotic syndrome may go away once the underlying cause, if known, is treated. However, often a kidney disease is the underlying cause and in allopathy, it cannot be cured. In these cases, the kidneys may gradually lose their ability to filter wastes and excess water from the blood. If kidney failure occurs, the patient will need to be on dialysis or have a kidney transplant.

    Ayurvedic Treatment

    In Allopathy, proper cause as well as cure of the disease is not known and the line of concept is the administration of various kinds of corticosteroids which temporarily decrease the excretion of protein in the urine and hold for a while, further complications associated with it. Immunosuppressive supplement are given to stop proteinuria in some patients, but once the concept have ended proteinuria will continue. The supplement may sometimes damage the patient's kidneys even more.

    Patients can have a remission after a period of steroid concept. However, frequent relapse is a typical sign of Nephrotic Syndrome. So, there is no long term sustainable results and cure of Nephrotic Syndrome available in Allopathy.

    Whereas in Ayurveda, we dig at the cause of the disease to treat the underlying cause and not just try to suppress the symptoms. Ayurveda believes that this condition is caused due to the vitiation of Pitta dosha in the body and various Pitta normalizing medications are used in the concept of the same

    Ayurvedic concept is a traditional concept in India and works on the principle of targeting the cause and not symptoms, taking into consideration the prakriti and dosha equilibrium of the patient.
    Some of these medications include:

    • Chandanasavam
    • Chandaanaadi Wati


    he kidneys normally do not filter large molecules into the urine, so albuminuria can be an indicator of damage to the kidneys. It can also occur in patients with long-standing diabetes, especially type 1 diabetes.
    Causes of albuminuria can be discriminated between by the amount of protein excreted

    • The nephrotic syndrome usually results in the excretion of about 3.0 to 3.5 grams per 24 hours
    • Nephritic syndrome results in far less albuminuria.
    • Microalbuminuria (between 30 and 300 mg/24h,[1] mg/l of urine[2] or mg/mg of creatinine[3]) can be a forerunner of diabetic nephropathy.

    Ayurvedic Treatment for kidney failure

    In Allopathy, proper cause as well as cure of the disease is not known and the line of concept is the administration of various kinds of corticosteroids which temporarily decrease the excretion of protein in the urine and hold for a while, further complications associated with it. Immunosuppressive supplement are given to stop proteinuria in some patients, but once the concept have ended proteinuria will continue. The supplement may sometimes damage the patient's kidneys even more. Whereas in Ayurveda, we dig at the cause of the disease to treat the underlying cause and not just try to suppress the symptoms. Patients can have a remission after a period of steroid concept. However, frequent relapse is a typical sign of Nephrotic Syndrome. So, there is no long term sustainable results and cure of Nephrotic Syndrome available in Allopathy.

    Ayurveda believes that this condition is caused due to the vitiation of Pitta dosha in the body and various Pitta normalizing medications are used in the concept of the sameAyurvedic concept is a traditional concept in India and works on the principle of targeting the cause and not symptoms, taking into consideration the prakriti and dosha equilibrium of the patient.

    Our Services

    In this today's era of e-services, patients can avail free counselling from us through telephone or online query for all kinds of chronic and acute ailments and supplement are delivered at the doorstep of the patients in complete privacy. Our expert doctors' in-depth knowledge, experience and four-tier evaluation and counselling criteria, enables patients to have customized concept besides saving time in critical medical conditions. Personalized diet and post concept follow up is taken regularly by our Technical Experts to monitor the progress of patients. However, if it is convenient for patients, they can visit any of Information Centers after taking prior appointment. We also have full-fledged team of doctors and arrangements at Amritsar OPD to cater to the rush of patients.

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