Hot Water

Ushnodaka therapy
Hot Water: Natural solution for several health problems

Water is the most important element for survival. Use of Ushna Jal is called Ushnodaka therapy in Ayurveda. Our body accounts for nearly 80 % of the body weight due to water. According to Ayurvedic texts, the hot water has more benefits in terms of healthy body &mind. In Ayurveda, water is explained as fourth Mahabhutas (element). Ushan Jal removes toxins or Ama from the body and is naturally helpful in balancing the Tridoshas.

Natural benefits of Ushna Jal

  • Enhances digestion- It has a property of Deepana that stimulates the digestive fire or Agni which helps in easy digestion and absorption.
  • Improves blood circulation- Ushna Jal has Laghu Guna. So, by drinking hot water, it opens the obstructed channels of the circulatory system and thus improves blood circulation.
  • Reduces premature aging- It has a property of cleansing due to its Ushna Guna. So, it helps in removing out the accumulated "Ama" or toxins from the body and thus helps in rejuvenating.
  • Detoxification- It functions as a detoxifier. Ushna Jal raises Pitta Dosha which results in profuse sweating to restore the body temperature. Thus toxins are excreted out from "Dhatus" or body tissues in the form of sweat naturally.
  • Effective as Anupana- It is advisable to take medicine with "Ushna Jal" because by drinking "Ushna Jal" with medicine, it spreads in the body, thus reaches the target site rapidly for desired action.