
Is your medicine reaching the target sites/cells?
Mardanam Gunavardhanam: Enhancement of effectiveness of medicine

Has it ever happened to you that you take a medicine, prescribed by your doctor in the way it should be taken and it doesn't work at all? This scenario is generally governed by the capability of that medicine to cross the cell membranes. Given that cell membranes are very selective, the cellular uptake of medicines is a challenge. The medicines for different diseases vary in terms of their molecular complexity (molecular weight/structure). Keeping this in view, 5000 years old medical science of Ayurveda has fashioned a process of Mardana i.e. grinding or trituration of specific inorganic substances with ingredients of plant (Swaras) or animal origin (Gou Mutra: Cow's urine). In Ayurveda, Rasaushadhi (medicine) have been in use for centuries without developing any noticeable side-effects. However, the concerns expressed on the safety of traditional preparations containing metals were extremely rare.

Benefits of Mardana

  • Pharmacologically, the ingredients used in Mardana bring a small change in chemical structure making them naturally diffusible across the cell membranes. For instance, disintegrating the ingredients into smaller molecules which can easily cross the cell membrane & increasing their therapeutical effectiveness.
  • Mardana allows the same doses of molecules to impart more effectiveness, palatability, shelf life, and potent action. The ingredients used in Mardana act as a carrier which helps the medicine to reach the target tissues or cells even in the case of less blood supply.
  • It enhances the stability and bio-availability of a formulation which is the best way to reduce dosage, toxicity, resistance, cost, and period of treatment.
  • It facilitates the conversion of a Nirendriya Dravya (inorganic material) to Sendriya Dravya (organometallic/organomineral compound) i.e. changing its bio-assimilation.

At this juncture, the patient might want to make an inquiry to his/her pharmacist about the mode of actions of the prescribed medicines. While, as per ancient Ayurvedic texts the process of Mardana should logically be considered an important measure for enhancing the bioavailability of a medicine.