ND Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd
Natural Treatment for Elephantiasis Disease (filariasis treatment)

Elephantiasis in Ayurveda is known as "shleepada" (Elephant foot). Elephantiasis disease is Tridoshaj & it occurs with a domination of Kapha Dosha. These Doshas lodged in tissues of thighs, knee joints, legs, and the inguinal regions and gradually spread to the feet to give rise to swellings, hyperkeratinization, and in-folding of the skin. According to Ayurveda, this disease is more prevalent in the damp & moist regions (tropics). Click to Read More....

It has also been established now that the stagnant waters which are the breeding ground for the mosquitoes are also a major cause of this disease. Lymphatic filariasis (Elephantiasis) is caused by a mosquito bite (elephantiasis vector), carrying filarial worm viz. W.bancrofti, B.malayi, or B.timori etc. These parasites affect the lymph nodes/vessels of the host. Once infected, the parasites travel to the lymph system and disrupt its normal physiology, leading to painful swelling in the arms, legs, breasts, and genitals etc. Read Less....

Elephantiasis (Filariasis) treatment in Ayurveda

The natural elephantiasis treatment procedures are aimed to drain/remove the blocked Lasika Dhatu (lymph) from the affected body parts with Ayurvedic herbs. Ayurvedic ways of washing and drying of the affected limbs along with the process of soaking the affected limbs in Phanta (decoction) are also an integral part of treating elephantiasis. Click to Read More....

This natural line of elephantiasis treatment also has Sophahar (anti-inflammatory) qualities to naturally heal microscopic ulcers in between the skin folds.
The elephantiasis treatment also includes Langhana (fasting), Swedana (hot fomentation), Rechana (Purgation), Rakta Mokshana (bloodletting), Ushnopchara (warm therapy), Kaphahara herbs, Kaphahara Lepa (external paste) along with proper diet and lifestyle. These techniques are effective in treating elephantiasis of scrotum, elephantiasis of the testicles, elephantiasis face, elephantiasis feet, & elephantiasis legs etc.
Additionally, bandaging of the limb also helps in contraction of the lymphatic vessels which encourages lymph fluid to flow back toward the trunk of the body. In the treatment of filariasis, another most important steps are protection from mosquitos, removal of stagnant water pools, and eliminating impure water. Read Less....

Herbs for natural treatment of Elephantiasis

Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) - This herb has been used for elephantiasis treatment in India since ancient times (Hathipaon treatment). Due to anti-inflammatory and anti-pyretic properties, it provides significant relief from elephantiasis. It also deletes immuno-suppression and increases the functional capacities of peritoneal macrophages. The natural ingredients of Guduchi possess immuno-stimulatory properties which help in the elephantiasis disease treatment naturally.
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Neem (Azadirachta indica)- Natural extract of Neem has more or less analogous lethal effect on the S. cervi microfilariae which helps in natural lymphatic filariasis treatment. The flower extract of this herb is most effective against filarial worm S. degitata. Anti-filarial effect of the extract obtained from the leaves of A. indica causes morphological alteration like thickening of epithelium, cuticle and muscle layers in the adult worms which is very helpful in destroying the filarial parasites of lymphedema and elephantiasis. It also induces the major apoptotic signs such as - a higher amount of chromatin condensation, presence of fragmented chromatin, & brighter fluorescence in the microfilariae to contribute equally in the filarial treatment.
Eranda (Ricinus communis) - This herb possesses anti-microbial activity against S. digiata (another elephantiasis worm). The natural extract revealed anti-filarial activity as evident from induction of death in the embryogenesis of filarial parasite B. malayi and inhibition of microfilariae motility which is highly required for lymphatic filariasis treatment.
Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia) - The extract of leaves and seeds of this herb inhibits the movements of the whole worm and causes the death of microfilariae. This herb is also very helpful in elephantiasis skin treatment.
Palash (Butea monosperma) - The aqueous extract of leaves and roots has anti-filarial activity against S. cervi. It also inhibits the motility of microfilariae and can be promising during elephantiasis lymphedema treatment. The compounds present in leaves increase the levels of lipid peroxidation and protein carbonylation which are responsible for the mortality of various parasites.
Ayurvedic lymphatic Treatment
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"Supports normal immune function"
  • Acts as a natural immunity enhancer.
  • Helps in fighting off the filarial parasites.
  • Helps in fighting off inflammation during elephantiasis treatment.

"Unique liver formula & excellent detoxifier to rejuvenate liver"
  • Naturally removes the excess Lasika Dhatu (Lymph) accumulated in the limbs.
  • Acts as a natural purgative and balance the Tridoshas.
  • Supports the liver to remove accumulated toxins from the body naturally.

Ayurvedic lymphatic Treatment

Diet for Elephantiasis

  • A low-fat, high-protein diet is beneficial during lymphatic filariasis treatment. Oats, brown rice, quinoa, amaranth, pulses, pepper and legumes are also helpful during elephantiasis treatment.
  • Include fruits rich in vitamin C, papaya, strawberries, pineapple, berries, pomegranates, green leafy vegetables, bright colors vegetables like carrots, beetroot, beans, broccoli in your diet.
  • Include fruits rich in vitamin C, papaya, strawberries, pineapple, berries, pomegranates, green leafy vegetables, bright colors vegetables like carrots, beetroot, beans, broccoli in your diet.
  • Use good herbs like oregano, cloves, garlic, cinnamon etc. along with probiotic foods.
  • Take sufficient fluids preferably the lukewarm water & avoid fried foods, fatty foods, processed foods, artificial sweetener, artificial colors, rice, potato, jackfruit, yam, cashew, cold foods, sticky foods, candy etc.

Yoga/Pranayama/Exercise for Elephantiasis

Viparita Karani/Garudasana/Utkatasana/Trikonasana- These techniques help to circulate antibodies throughout the body. These methods also increase blood circulation that allows lymphatic system to filter out toxins more efficiently during filariasis treatment in Ayurveda.
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Pranayamas: Kapalbhati/Anulom Vilom/Bhramari- These techniques help to detoxify both the nervous system and the body. They too increase the blood circulation within the body. They also remove stress, fatigue and negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, agitation and frustration which come with the filariasis disease.
Exercises: Brisk Walking/Effleurage/Ankle Toe Pumps with Elevation- These exercises activate soleus muscle of the body which is also known as secondary heart. These techniques facilitate the movement of deoxygenated blood (containing toxins) back to the heart for filtering lymphatic system. Read Less....

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