Ayurvedic Solution for IBS & IBD
IBS is a complex ailment that may cause belly discomfort, diarrhea, stomach pain, increased gas, cramping with troubled bowel habits (diarrhea / constipation or both) with abnormal stool (hard / loose). Upon inflammation, IBS transforms into IBD & Ayurvedic scripts mention best solution for both conditions. The natural Ayurvedic solution of IBS & IBD includes natural treatment of IBS & IBD enhances the Agni (metabolic fire) to digest accumulated toxins (Ama). The traditional treatments of IBS & IBD are documented as Grahani Rogain Ayurveda.
Shasti pittadhara nama kalah; yaa purvam samudhdritaha l
Pakvamashyamadhyashta grahani saa prakirtitaha ll
Ayurvedic Treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Best Ayurvedic Medicine for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Natural Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Ayurvedic Therapies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Home Remedies for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Yoga, Pranayama, Exercises, Diet Chart for Irritable Bowel Syndrome
According to Ayurveda, the function of Pittadhara Kala includes digestion of food & absorption of the digested substance.
Natural solution for Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) & Irritable bowel disease (IBD)
IBS & IBD are associated with Vata vitiation & low Ojas, whereas, balanced Saatvic routine can potentially help to optimize such vitiations. IBS & IBD can be naturally treated by maintaining adequate "Prakriti Agni" i.e. the natural digestive fire. IBS & IBD are pathological conditions that affect the function & integrity of the gastrointestinal tract.
"Muhur badham muhur dravam"
The "Manda-Agni" (low digestive fire) is the root cause of IBS & IBD. Such condition causes food to get partially digested & leads to the formation of "Ama" (toxin) that gradually leads to Grahani Roga (IBS &IBD symptoms). Patients of IBS & IBD suffer from abnormal stools & abdominal pain due to weak digestive system & imbalanced digestive fire that gives rise to accumulation of Toxins in the body. According to the concept of Ayurveda, Doshas which get lodged in Grahani site should be expelled out of the body with Panchkarma procedures viz. Vamana, Virechana, & Snehana etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) & Irritable bowel disease (IBD) in India
Our treatment for IBS & IBD eliminates the lodged Doshas of Grahani site via. Vaman (Emesis-inducing vomiting by decoction), Langhanam (Fasting), Laghu Anna Sevan (Consuming light food), & Pachnam (Improved Digestion).
Grahnimaashritam dosham ajeernamvat upacharet |
Atisaroktavidhina tasaamam cha vipachayet ||
We at N.D. Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd., have developed a new treatment for IBS & IBD. Our expert, Dr. Navdeep Sharma (Best Ayurvedic doctor for IBS & IBD Treatment in India) addresses the problem of IBS through a systematic approach of herbs treatment of IBS & IBD as shown below in the figure below.
Natural Ayurvedic solution for IBS & IBD
We at N.D. Care Nirogam Pvt. Ltd., use the natural Ayurvedic solutions for IBS & IBD treatment developed by our research & development wing. The recovery in the IBS & IBD patients starts right from the first dosage. We also recommend the Rasayana (rejuvenating drugs) for treatment of gastrointestinal disorders (IBS & IBD) which improves blood circulation to the gastrointestinal tract, rejuvenate the cells of gastrointestinal tract, ensure proper secretion of digestive juices, help to improve appetite/digestion, and increases the immunity of body. Thus, it results in the complete solutions of IBS & IBD without recurrence. Our proven treatment of IBS & IBD provides instant pain Relief from IBS & IBD. Additionally, depending upon the type of IBS, for instance, IBS-D & IBS-C, Grahi / Anulomana & mild herbs laxatives are recommended respectively.

Nirogamz Bowel Care "Natural Ayurvedic solution for IBS & IBD"
- Treats hyper-acidity, gastritis, & burning ache due to excess of acid
- Treats loss of appetite & indigestion linked to gastritis
- Supports the digestive system & excretory system
- Promotes the easy daily bowel movement
Virechana "Natural Ayurvedic care for IBS & IBD"
- Natural mild laxatives to regularize bowel mobility
- Relieves the symptoms of fullness & bloating in the abdomen.
- Removes toxins from the body naturally
Yakrit Nirogam "Unique liver formula & excellent detoxifier to rejuvenate liver"
- Acts as a natural purgative
- Supports the liver to remove accumulated toxins from the body naturally.
- Nourishes & strengthens the liver tissues.
Herbs for Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) & Irritable bowel disease (IBD)
Triphala: Triphala is the mainstay of Ayurvedic literature. It promotes digestive health. The recent research has found out that Triphala offers tremendous effectiveness in treating IBS symptoms. It is particularly helpful in digestion, gas, malabsorption, cramping, & Vata-type diarrhea.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra): It is the best natural herb which supports healthy digestion, promotes immunity & overall health of the body. It particularly helps to remove off the excess Kapha from the stomach & lungs. It is one of the best Ayurvedic herbs to balance various Doshas of the human body.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale):. It possesses natural digestive stimulant to manage digestive disorder such as IBS. It is also very effective in alleviating symptoms of gastrointestinal distress along with proper assimilation of food.
Asafoetida (Ferula foetida): The extract of this herb has several properties such as cytotoxicity, antibacterial, & antiviral etc. It is a multidimensional herb that helps with digestive health especially, abdominal distension, bloating, flatulence, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) & irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Commonly known as Indian Gooseberry & Amla, is a fruit & the best herb for Pitta type vitiation. It is a frequently mentioned herb in the Charaka Samhita, known to cleanse the colon by eliminating excess toxins in the body.
Diet Plan, Natural & Home Remedies, Yoga & Pranayama exercise for IBS & IBD
Agnitundi Vati, Ashtapala Ghrita, Bhunimba Churna, Chitraka Gutika, Kutajavaleha, Marichyadi Ghrita, Nagaradhya Churna, & Pippalyadi Churna are some Ayurvedic remedies for the treatment of IBS & IBD.
Drink sufficient amount of liquids (water) & pick a more fibrous diet (low fat & high-carbohydrate).
Don't smoke. Get relaxed. Tailor the size of your meal to the optimum. This can improve digestion.
Get rid of unnecessary stress through Yoga. Try Aloe Vera juice. It can diminish the symptoms of IBS & IBD.
Take adequate sleep & don't suppress body urges